Fan update...Becca had no fan within ten minutes of getting in bed due to Barb's convenient foot placement (not my repairing abilities with bandaids)! So, Becca slept with her arm holding open the curtain to get some air! Meanwhile, Frances and I had a cozy night sleep, aside from plastic pillows...which we shouldn't complain since Becca had a whole bed of plastic. Overall, amazing first night!
Woke up this morning and Barb had already gone on a run and had taken a shower! She is wild! She even breasted (dang auto correct...but should be noted she did not face plant but in fact "beasted" this hill...Chris brown look out!) the hill that we walked half way down last night and decided to turn around.
Jeff picked us up around 9am or so and we took a ride to George Lee's house (volunteer coordinator) to get a prepaid cell phone! We then drove into town to load minutes. Following that, we went up and down and all around the roads for 40 minutes to the beautiful area Soufriere. There, we ate lunch at The Hummingbird restaurant...we actually saw a hummingbird, but weren't fast enough to our cameras.
Jeff dropped us off at the airport and we rented a car for the night and tomorrow. We drove to The Reef and sat along the beautiful beach...the water was great! Tomorrow, we will bring our suits!! Apparently, kite surfing is very popular down here, and now we know looks like so much fun! Right before sunset, we attempted to drive up to a mountain top that had a lighthouse. With only a minor slowing down of Becca dropping the car into second gear to make it up the hill. We missed the turn to the light house, but ended up at a potentially better view of the island and sunset! It started raining so we drove back down the mountain and picked up a couple from Denmark! They were very nice and thankful. The girl actually did a study abroad in Pennsylvania for two weeks when she was in high school!
We like The Reef so much that we went back for drinks, snacks and of course the free wifi service!! Note to self, do not eat the sweet and sour sauce. It's not sweet as originally described by Steph (it smells like that) but hot as shit as described by Barb. We all touched base with someone at home...while not partaking any of the "pepper sauce", a.k.a. Sweet and sour sauce per Steph.
Tomorrow we are going to explore the culture...can't wait to keep you updated!
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